Nan River Room
Teminal No a nan 10 kilomet souliye, River Room konekte nan Miyami Greenway nan The Miami River ak SW 7th lari. Avek yon topography woule nan rasyon natif natal ak plant pollinator, blok vil sa a se plas pou chen ak met yo pou yo repoze ak jwe— dwa sou sab la.
Jimnastik iben an
Sitiye ant SW 7th ak 8th Streets, fe egzesis ak zanmi oswa solo nan yon jimnastik jimnastik deyo konplete ak yon tribinal fleks pou mwatye-tribinal basketbol, mini foutbol pich, ekipman fizik, kouri tras, ak plis anko.
Pwomenad la
Promenade ant SW 8th Street ak estasyon an Brickell Metrorail karakteristik espas rasanbleman kominote ki gen ladan yon etap son ak plas pou sante - byennèt, pwogram kiltirèl ak edikasyon, tab manje kominal, tab pou tablo tablo, tab atizay fonksyonèl ping pong, ak Estasyon Grove, yon chèz yo seyon antre nan antre nan estasyon an Brickell Metrorail.
Nan Oolite Room
Detire de blòk ki sòti nan estasyon Brik metwopòl la nan Wòch Koray ak te sòti nan wòch natif natal soti nan wòch wòch Miami an, Oolite Room se nich nan yon kanyon natirèl nan wòch ak jaden polyator dan, espas meditativ ak yon miray atizay prezante mural atizay tanporè.
Ore yon Vwayaj nan Soulinye a
Kontakte pou enfomasyonUYoga | Vizcaya Station Plaza
January 23, 2025
The Underline is pleased to offer free yoga classes powered by Baptist Health every Thursday evening from 7 to 8 PM at The Underline Vizcaya Station Plaza, located at 3205 […]
Kiltivatè mache nan The Underline
January 25, 2025
The Underline is thrilled to welcome back the Farmers Market and Clothing Swap! Join us on Saturday from 9 AM – 4 PM at The Underline’s Brickell Backyard Promenade green […]
UYoga | The Urban Gym
January 25, 2025
Yogis! Friends of The Underline is pleased to offer free UYoga | The Urban Gym classes powered by Baptist Health South Florida every Saturday morning from 9 AM to 10 […]
The Underline Opens Phase 2: The Hammock Trail
Spanning 2.14 miles from Coral Way to SW 19th Avenue, Phase 2 is a significant milestone for The Underline. This expansion links the amenity-rich Brickell Backyard with the historic Roads, Shenandoah, and Silver Bluff neighborhoods in the City of Miami.
Pou plis enfòmasyon sou Faz 2 amenajman, li isit la
Abonman nan The Underline bilten pou resevwa denye nouvel sou evenman, pwogre, ak nouvel enpotan sou pak la.
Bay don
Don kondwi misyon fonse nou yo ak troprovide dirèk sipò nan pwogram gratis nou yo, atizay piblik, jaden restoran, yon zòn kominotè ak enstalasyon.