9 Janvye 2023
pa Meg Daly
From improving mental and physical health and social interaction to supporting the environment, this recent article in Fast Company points to dozens of reasons why we, as Miamians, should want a more walkable city. In the long list of benefits shared, there also includes a huge economic story showing a massive return on investment: “Pedestrians may spend as much as 65% more than drivers. It also boosts employment; in Dublin, a redesigned pedestrian-friendly neighborhood led to a 300% increase in employment. Overall, <investments in> biking and walking provide an estimated return on investment of $11.80 for every $1 invested.”
Ekip nou an te vote kominote a pou prèske yon dekad sou priyorite yo pou The Underline. Sekirite te toujou premye. Kòm The Underline ap grandi nan tout 10 kilomèt li yo ak potansyèl, nou tout dwe ensiste sou pi bon nan koneksyon pyeton nan klas pyeton soti nan katye ki tou pre ak lari asire ke moun ki vle jwenn The Underline ak kay yo, lekòl yo oswa espas travay, ka fè sa san danje sou pye ak sou bisiklèt. Si nou mete sekirite an premye, anpil lòt benefis ki dekri nan atik sa a ka rive soti nan amelyore kalite lavi, sante piblik, anviwònman ak finalman, retounen sou envestisman.
Li atik la isit la.