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Webinar: Underline Art & Signage

February 16, 2024
by Meg Daly

Friends of The Underline CEO Meg Daly and special guest Miami-Dade County Commissioner for District 7 Raquel Regalado discussed how proposed changes to a county signage ordinance will allow for donor recognition and art on a limited number of Metrorail columns along The Underline, boosting private philanthropy to support public art and The Underline operations and maintenance.


Q: My suggestion for a City of Coral Gables acknowledgement is to include a Cavalier (Gables High mascot) – :-) – Can this type of thing be included? To me, this acknowledges the community.
A:Thank you for your interest, the signage does not allow for logos, likely not allowable

Q: How long will the donor’s be recognized? Will they come come down after X number of years?
A: 5-10 years depending on program

Q: So how does revenue get generated with this kind of signage?
A: Allows Friends of The Underline to recognize select donors

Q: The absence of traditional advertising will help maintain the aesthetic integrity of the area and prevents commercialization from overshadowing the community’s unique character.

I think this plan will result in a more authentic and inclusive environment! Awesome job 😁😁
A: Yes, that is the intention, Thank you

Q: Why are the dominos out of code? They are simple and not too distracting. Will future art have to be simple (limited color, shapes, text, etc.)?
A: Murals are not permitted on columns, this legislation will allow them

Q: Do you have any information about art on the Ludlam Trail?
A: No, we don’t, please contact Miami Dade County Parks Department

Q: Do the donations support more events? Are the events free?
A: Sponsorship of programs allows us to make programs free to the community.

Q: What do volunteers do for the Underline?
A: Everything from event support to office administration. Please visit to sign up

Q: Are all of the proposed art projects in The Underline Public Art & Cultural Master moving forward? Should murals submitted to the open call stay in conversation with pieces that have already been proposed?
A: Art in the master plan will be implemented as private funding is secured. The current open call is for mural art in The Underline Hammock Playground

Q: The Underline website announced the recruitment for an Underline CEO. This means that Ms. Daly is sadly transitioning and the Underline will lose it’s founder who has cherished the project and exhibited stunning leadership skills. It has been a sincere pleasure to watch the constructive work of Ms. Daly. Thank you, Meg.
A: Meg is extremely grateful for your kind words

Find the webinar presentation here.